Make a Lasting Impression

Creating a brand strategy is much more than a logo and some pretty colors. Being a brand is like looking at yourself in a full-length mirror. Who are you inside and out? What do you stand for? What are you passionate about? What do people feel when they see you or think about you? Will your customers lay down on the tracks for you and defend your brand when its integrity is being questioned? Is your brand inclusive or exclusive? Is your brand flexible or rigid? Does your brand mean anything to your employees? Are you conscious of the world around you?
Oh, you thought we were just going to take your company name or domain and create something magical around it. You thought you could just write a check to Innovate Social Media and come back like you’re picking up a new birthday suit, putting it on and expecting everyone to notice you and tell you how great you look and what a change this new brand outfit has made on who you are.
Not gonna happen. At least not with us. You’re going to need to participate in the most important thing you ever do. You’re going to sit down and have a heart to heart with yourself and think about all of those questions in paragraph one and answer them for your company.
If you can’t answer those questions, you’re not ready to create a logo, a website, a mission statement, or anything else that we would create to bang the drum for your brand. Creating a brand strategy is what you do after you do your business plan; not before. Without a business plan, you don’t even know if you have a viable product or service.
We’re ready to help you answer those important questions during your start-up phase. You’ll bring us your business plan and we’ll review it together. If you have determined you’ve got a winner, then we’ll get behind you and blow the wind in your sails by creating a brand strategy and a brand guide that is undeniably you.